Monday, November 24, 2014

Wire Sculptures

who is alexander calder?

wiki answer: 
an american sculptor known as the originator of the mobile, a type of kinetic sculpture made with delicately balanced or suspended components which move in response to motor power or air currents.
he also produced numerous wire figures, notably for a miniature circus.

we were to create an object that we would see in a circus.
out of wire.

as you can clearly see, i did 
a snake.

through this project i learned that:

wire is really hard to work with.
it is hard to make the wire look like what you want it to, 
by only twisting it.
it is also hard to think out of the box enough to 
think ahead to make the object look like an object.
the struggles.

why i did what i did:

when i heard circus, the first thing i thought of was a snake charmer.
don't ask me why, but that's what happened.
so i did a snake. 
i started by twisting the wire with different colors to make the 
body of the snake.
i then added the tongue with a red wire.
the wire had a hard time staying twisted,
no matter how hard i twisted it.
but i think that it generally looks like a snake.
so i'm happy.

this is a great way for:

~teaching students a different method of art~
~letting them explore with different materials~
~teaching the students about modern artists~

tutorial for this project:

can be found on this blog

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