Monday, November 24, 2014

Color Assignment

he turned on the cd. 
the music was crazy and loud and had stopping and starting parts to it.
it was stressful music. 
and we were to draw how we felt while listening to it,
using only black and white paint.
~~see photo on the left~~

he then turned on calm and soothing music.
the music was flowy and it made me feel happy.
we were to draw how we felt while listening to it,
using complementary colors and one specific shape.
~~see photo on the right~~

through this project i learned that:

there are ways to convey how you feel through non-objective artwork.
you can sometimes tell the emotion by the way the lines are drawn,
and the colors that are used.
i also learned how to mix colors.
you need only a little bit of white to make this color,
and a little bit of black to make this color.

why i did what i did:

i wanted to convey my feelings through jagged and unfinished lines.
i wanted to convey the staggered sounds by making spots on the painting.
the black was when i was stressed
and the white was when there was silence.
~~see photo on the left~~

i love triangles. i dont know what it is, but i love them.
i was told to pick a shape, so naturally that is what i chose.
the two complementary colors i picked were yellow and purple.
i mixed white with them to make different shades of the colors.
and i picked orange as a slightly contrasting color.

this is a great way for:

~have students learn to express their feelings in paintings~
~have them learn different color schemes~
~teach them how to feel music instead of just hear it~

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