Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Chinese Brush Painting

chinese brush painting is one of the most ancient forms of art.
it is a mix between ancient traditions and techniques.
there are certain ways to make certain lines.
you have to go one direction to make it just right.

after learning a few techniques, this is how mine turned out.

through this project i learned that:

it takes a long time to get the techniques down.
i practiced for a few hours to try and make them look good.
and they still didn't like perfect.
i learned patience and to accept how things turned out in the end.

why i did what i did:

i did some lighter branches in the back and then some darker ones in the front.
i wanted to create contrast between the ones that were closer and farther away.
it didn't turn out quite how i wanted it,
but i my technique makes up for it.

this project is a great way for:

~learning ancient techniques that are sacred to the chinese culture~
~become familiar with different art styles~
~let the students explore chinese culture~

tutorial for this project:

(i promise her project turned out a lot better than my project did)

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