Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Rhythm Two

this is another rhythm sculpture.

we went to an art museum.
there was this sculpture that had clog shoes hanging from the ceiling.
you had to put a coin in this machine
and then the clogs would play music.
it was a very cool interactive sculpture.
we drew what we heard
using only shapes and the primary colors.
~~see the top of the paper~~

we then went upstairs at the museum.
we picked one art piece that we liked the best. 
using some of the shapes and techniques that the artist used,
we were to create how the piece made us feel,
using the shapes that we had drawn with the music piece,
we were to create our own piece.

through this project i learned that:

there are ways to incorporate sound and sight in an art piece. 
by going off of one art project, you can create something different for yourself.
you can be inspired by other's artwork.
you can be inspired by music and sounds.

why i did what i did:

 i love to have objects overlap.
the piece that i chose to be inspired by was filled with overlapping shapes and colors.
i wanted to adapt that thought and do the same thing.
i used the same shapes and patterns that i drew
when listening to the music sculpture.

this is a great way for:
~students to translate sounds and images into their own artwork~
~give them an art museum experience~
~let the students become interactive with artwork~

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