Monday, November 24, 2014

Internal Texture

we filled our plates with random food that everyone brought.
as we ate the food, we were to draw how the food tasted, 
how we felt while we ate it,
and how the food felt on our tongue.

drawn non-objectively.

we split our paper into six different sections,
we were shown multiple watercolor techniques,
and this is how my piece turned out.

i admit, i don't remember what food goes with what artwork.
but i love how this one turned out.
i feel like all of the sections are different,
but they go together at the same time.

through this project i learned that:

drawing non-objectively is hard.
especially when your drawing about a physical object.
but it's possible.
and the freedom is exhilarating.

why i did what i did:

i love color.
and i love white space.
every piece has a part of those two things.
i love mixing colors together in different ways,
and making contrast with colors and shapes.

this is a great way for:

~letting students experience freedom with non-objective art~
~teaching the students to draw how they feel~
~teaching different watercolor techniques~

tutorial on this project:

can be found on this blog

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