Sunday, December 7, 2014


for my practicum, i went to an elementary school in kaysville
and i taught an art lesson to a sixth grade class.

the lesson was called "kaleidoscope name drawings"
i found my original inspiration for the lesson plan while on pinterest.
i then created my lesson plan off of the tutorial i saw. 
(you can find this tutorial here:

i went into the classroom before school started and set up everything.
i asked the teacher where the materials were.
i also cut the paper i was going to use for the black matting board at the end of the project.

when i came to the classroom later in the day to do the practicum, the students seemed very excited.
their desks were set up with three rows of nine desks.
the nine desks were split into three desks to allow walking space to get to the back of the classroom.
there was a pretty even ratio of boys to girls in the class.

this school wasn't against the arts, but there wasn't a specified art teacher. 
the regular education teachers were responsible for teaching art.
but only if they went along with the lesson and common core.

the teacher introduced me as one of her former students 
and then it was my turn.

i stood at the front of the classroom.
i asked the students if they knew what symmetry and mirror symmetry was.
they respectfully raised their hands to answer and waited for me to call on them.
they answered my questions with confidence and ease.

i then showed them the project that we were going to create.
this is the example i showed.

they ooh-ed and ahh-ed and i assured them that it was easier than it looked.
then we got started.
i stood in front of the classroom for the big visual instructions.
and i used an overhead projector to demonstrate the more detailed instructions.
i walked around the room the rest of the time to make sure the kids were on task
and understanding the assignment.

it all went so smoothly.
there were a few kids that didn't like how theirs turned out the first time
and they asked to start over. 
even though i really emphasized the most important instructions,
there were some students that still didn't get it.
the students were a little rushed and i know they didn't do their absolute best work,
but most of them finished the project in the time allotted.

they didn't have enough sharpies for each student
and this made the project go a lot slower than planned.
the students had to sit around a wait for their turn.
other than that, the lesson went great.

this was the end exhibition.

the students that didn't understand the project at all were on the low end of the grading scale.
they weren't able to flip the triangle to create the symmetry and mirror symmetry.

students on the medium part of the grading scale were one that sort of understood the project.
but they did not have a visually appealing artwork and were sloppy in their tracing and coloring.

the student that were on the high part of the grading scale did an excellent job.
they had visually appealing artwork,
completely understood the project, 
and were good at the technical components.

overall, the project went very well.
i had a very well mannered classroom and the students were good at following directions.

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