Tuesday, December 2, 2014


google definition of batik:
a method of producing colored designs on textiles by dyeing them,
having first applied wax to the parts to be left undyed.

and that is what we did.

i first researched different types of batik.
i looked up patterns and wallpapers and i drew the ones that i liked in my sketchbook.
i mixed a few of those sketches to come up with my final design
i am really happy with how it turned out.

through this project i learned that:

there are techniques to help you keep the white space in your artwork,
if you're working with fabric.
fabric is hard to work with because the paint likes to bleed everywhere.
but with this technique that i used, 
that wasn't an issue.
i learned that you can make your own designs by being inspired from others.
there is no way i would have done this project if i hadn't seen other batik's
 and taken some of their designs and made it my own.
i wasn't expecting my design and project to turn out as great as it did.
but i am super happy with it.
i also learned that pulling the glue off the fabric wasn't my most favorite thing in the world.
(see tutorial below for clarification of the statement above)

why i did what i did:

like i said before, i researched other batik drawings and patterns
and came up with my own design.
i drew a vine and had leaves and roses on it.
i liked how it turned out.
the colors i chose were not something that i would have normally picked out.
but after being inspired by my research, i took a risk.

this is a great way for:

~teaching students a different way to do artwork~
~helping students understand that research can inspire you~
~letting the students explore their creativity~

tutorial for this project:


and can also be found on this blog:

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