Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Expanding 8

this was one of my favorite projects.

we got into groups of four. 
we each were given a list of coordinates that would go an on x,y graph.
some of the coordinate lists had math problems as the coordinates.
(ex: 2+3, 2+4, 2+5, etc.)
we put a clear piece of plastic over the graph paper 
and graphed the coordinates on the plastic.
when we finished, we connected out dots 
and placed our individual pieces of plastic on top of each other.
we then determined what pattern we could make on our individual plastic pieces
to make the whole image a lot more interesting.
we added different numbers to our original coordinates.
this is how my group's turned out.


through this project i learned that:

you can combine math and art to make something really interesting.
i liked how it looks organized and disorganized at the same time.
there is a structure to it, but it also looks disfigured.
i learned that group work is also very important.
we had to come to a consensus as a group to determine what we thought would look best.

why i did what i did:

we chose to continue with the original shape and pattern that we had.
we made the pattern longer and turned only one of the plastic pieces backwards.
this is how it turned out.
i am very happy with how it looks, and i think my group felt the same.

this project is a great way for:

~integrating math and art~
~allowing students to work in groups, problem solve, and come up with different solutions~
~learning a different way to create artwork; through mathematics~

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