Wednesday, October 22, 2014



a geometric figure representing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism.

in this project, instead of Hindu and Buddhist symbolism,
we created symbols to represent ourselves and who we are.

starting in the middle of my Mandala and working out,

i have a sun. 
the colors in the sun are red, orange, and yellow to represent sunsets.
i am a huge fan of sunsets. ever since i was little, sunsets have been my place of peace.

surrounding my sun, i have little bowls of soup.
soup is my favorite food. every day, all day.

next i have piano keyboards and music notes. 

i have played the piano for 14 years.
by now, it's a part of me.

next i have the bird refuge tent.

the bird refuge is my life. it is my little place of heaven.
boardwalk, grass, open area, great salt lake, antelope island, and a treehouse
the sounds, the smells, and the sights.
they are an extension of myself.

there are now eyelashes and green outlines on the eyeliner.

i have green eyes. enough said.

next is the utah state logo with a heart around it.

i like utah state. best school ever.
i actually love utah state.

on the outside corners of my piece i have what looks like

a moon, stars, and wings.
these represent Coldplay.
Coldplay is my most favorite band and this is their latest album artwork. 
it is my life dream to go to one of their live concerts.
i can dream.

this is a representation of me. 

Through this project I learned that:

there are many things that make you, you.

whether it's experiences, places, or people.
you are you because of what you have seen and done.
its one thing to think these things, and another to draw them. 

its also hard to convey your experiences to others through artwork.

they haven't been beside you your whole life.
they don't know what you have been through.
but with this Mandala i hope that a glimpse into my life has been seen.

I did what I did:

these were some of the things that make me who i am.

it only made sense to include them in this project.
i am my experiences.

This project is a great way for:

~getting to know students in a more intimate way~

~helping students learn what a Mandala is~
~making a personal thing become beautiful artwork~

tutorial for this project:

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